Essential facts of the University
In accordance with the University Act the University of Defence is a university-type school. It was built as of 1 September 2004 to continue utilising the pedagogical and physical potential of the three former military colleges – Brno Military Academy, Military University of the Ground Forces (Vyskov) and Purkyne Military Academy (Hradec Kralove).
The primary mission of the University of Defence (UoD) is the propagation of literacy, development of thinking and independent scientific research in the issues vital for Czech Republic security or accomplishment of its Alliance commitments. UoD scope of work is defined with the focuses of education, formation and training of military professionals as required by the Army of the Czech Republic (ACR) and research projects in favour of the Ministry of Defence (MoD) department.
The University consists of three faculties:
- Faculty of Military Leadership
- Faculty of Military Technology
- Military Faculty of Medicine
two university institutes:
- NBC Defence Institute
- Institute of Intelligence Studies
and three centres
- Centre for Security and Military Strategic Studies
- Language Centre
- Physical Training and Sports Centre
The education and training process at the University of Defence is markedly military orientated. It develops the students in independence, creativity, endurance, devotion and self-discipline. The studied branches of human cognition are explained primarily with respect to military applications. However, the graduates are generally educated at university level ready for wide range of career positions both in military and civilian lives.
The school is also a lifelong learning centre. It provides for both accredited and non-accredited departmental summon education for the highest-ranking officer. The follow-on training of the senior officers takes the form of commanders, staff and special courses. UoD hosts also qualification or re-qualification courses on various subjects for military professionals or MoD civil employees. The University is open for civilian and foreign students as well.
However, UoD scope reaches far beyond the defence department or even Czech Republic framework as long as education and scientific research are concerned. It supports and develops specific branches related to national security and defence, particularly defence industry, missing in other colleges and universities in the Czech Republic. UoD’s mission is guarantee for development of military cognition on operation, strategic and military policy levels and support of the departmental top management in those issues of the conceptual projects within MoD responsibility. It follows the principles of the Act 111/1998 on Universities. In the matter of organisation and personnel it respects all relative normative acts issued by the Czech MoD that is its authority.
The UoD maintains foreign contacts with teaching and military institutions of the world developed countries developing cooperation with mainly the North Atlantic Alliance member countries military schools. The cooperation concentrates on educational activities, students’ creativity projects, common international exercises, conferences or seminars, etc. The highest priority of research projects belongs to the international cooperation with the scientific and research community of the NATO countries emphasizing the scientific support of the Alliance forces build-up goals.